Friday, September 18, 2009

The Joy of a Sharp Pencil

I recently installed this very snazzy pencil sharpener, given to me by my mom.

I had no idea it would be such a hit! Amy spent half an hour sharpening every pencil that we could find in the house. I wish I had installed when my mom gave it to us a year ago!

And now I can always find a nice sharp pencil when I need it. :-)


  1. Hey, Jill! It's fun to read your blog! I bet that would be a hit at our house too. It was great to see you on Friday!!!

  2. Classic Richard McBride moment. I remember my grade 4 teacher was a looker (HS School). The pencil sharpener was right by her desk. Da boys would always be up there sharpening their... uh ... pencils.
