Saturday, May 23, 2009


Yikes. Do you ever hear your kids talking to each other and hear yourself in their conversation? Sometimes it's positive, but sometimes it's positively cringeworthy.
I really notice it in my daughter, Amy, who's 5. Every so often, usually when things aren't going her way I can hear her frustration and impatience and know that she is echoing the way I sound when I'm stressed and impatient. Really not flattering. And I'm hearing more of it from her lately which means she is probably hearing more of it from me lately. I'm more tired and easily stressed than usual with a new baby around, and she's less secure and more stressed than usual, also partly because of the new baby and the fact that Mommy is a bit high strung these days.
I guess if I'm not crazy about her tone lately, it's time for me to get a hold of mine.

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