Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Weigh Day

- 1.4 pounds...a step in the right direction. I had a pretty good week. Did some walking, did some cheating, did some extra walking to make up for it. The hardest thing for me right now is trying not to eat after dinner. When I was pregnant and diabetic I was required to have a bedtime snack. After nine months of yummalicious nummies in my tummy to see me off to dreamland, I'm really missing it!
Today the meeting was about motivation. Our leader was saying that at some point you have to shift your focus away from what brought you into WW, the negative you're trying to leave behind. Instead you have to shift to a focus on where you want to go or it's easy to become complacent and pick up old habits again. Right now I'm still very motivated by the getting-away-from mentality, as in getting away from the clothes-that-still-don't-fit-me problem. Eventually I'll need a motivational strategy, though. Has anyone else come up with something that has helped them? I welcome any suggestions...

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