Sunday, July 26, 2009


I didn't realize what a granola-crunchin' mom I've become until this weekend! This was highlighted by two incidents:

1. We are in the middle of a potentially record-breaking heat wave in Vancouver. The temperature is hovering between 30 and 36 degrees Celsius and with the humidity feels like closer to 40. As a result, Gavin is super thirsty and is wanting to nurse very frequently. I've become very comfortable with breastfeeding since having my first baby 7 years ago. I'll feed him pretty much anywhere, anytime without a great deal of fussing over covering up. Anyway, Gavin was fussing and wanting to go on the breast, so I took him from my hubby and went to get him latched. My hubby very thoughtfully handed me a receiving blanket to cover up, as I would have done with my first two kids. However, I realized I am long past feeling the need to hide my baby's head under a blanket (which he now would just rip off anyway), especially since the thought of sitting under another layer fabric when I'm already cuddled up and nursing just about slays me! So I just got him latched and fed him as we sweated it out au naturel.

2. I can't find my hotsling! I had no idea how fond I've become of babywearing until I can't find my effing hotsling. I used it to wear Gavin yesterday, but Dave was driving so when we got back to the van I carried the sling in my hand instead of stashing it in its usual hidey-hole, and now I can't find it anywhere! Not that I'm superkeen to be cuddled up unnecessarily in this heat, but it's so handy in so many situations, not the least of which is when he's fussing to be carried around right before sleepytime and I've got other stuff I need to get done. Love the free hands!

This also goes back to my last post on touch. I didn't wear my first two kids much. I only had a Snugli that I found very uncomfortable to wear, especially since Trevor was such a huge baby. My friend Victoria, however, has had a ton of experience with different baby carriers and was such a devoted fan of them I decided to give it a try with marvelous results! Love the hotsling, though I can see that it may get a little bit uncomfortable to wear G in front as he gets heavier. I also got a cuddlywrap which I also love. It's better for around the house as it is super long and a bit more difficult to deal with tying on when I;m out and about. It's even more comfortable than the hotsling so I use that when I know I'll be wearing him for a longer period of time i.e. watching a lacrosse game.
Finally, I just ordered a babyhawk mei tai and I can't wait for it to arrive (especially since I can't find my effing hotsling)! More on that when it gets here.

1 comment:

  1. :cheer : :cheer: for baby wearing!!!
    - Yeah I got a shout out!!! LOL and sceond you will LOVE the mei thai!!!! I have one that you can borrow if you dont mind pink =)
    I totally know what you mean I lost my sling a while back too and i was LOST without it! and btw I realsied that I am very crunchie and you know what? I am ok with it! lol
